Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 257: How To Overcome Fear, Self-Sabotage, And Panic Attacks To Make Quantum Leaps Towards Our Goals, with Lori Harder

I’ve been hitting a ceiling with my upper limits lately — in love, business, and life decisions, limiting beliefs and self-sabotage have been showing all the way up. So I revisited this episode with Lori Harder, and it was a powerful reminder of how to get out of my own way… it felt right to throw it back to this top-performing episode today for anyone who needs to hear this.

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Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 256: How To Improve Mental Health, Regulate Your Nervous System, And Process Trauma With Somatic Therapy, with Therapist Simone Saunders

It’s World Mental Health Day this week, and we're having lots of important conversations to increase awareness around emotional wellbeing. I called in Trauma Therapist Simone Saunders to learn more about somatic therapy, how our mental health impacts our physical health, and how trauma and distress shows up in our bodies.

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Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 224: Take Control Of Your Mental Health And Wellbeing With The Life Force Pyramid From Psychiatrist Phil Stutz

It’s mental health awareness month, and it honestly feels like there’s more people than ever before struggling with anxiety, depression and mental health issues. So this week we’re diving into a helpful tool for building the foundation of your mental health, using the Life Force Method from Jonah Hill’s therapist, Stutz.

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 87: How Do I Travel The World On My Own

Taking on the world by yourself can seem overwhelming, but if Eat, Pray, Love taught us anything it’s that solo travel can lead to some of our most liberating, life-changing experiences.

This week we’re diving into one of our most frequently asked questions for our in-house globe trotter, Gill: How do I travel alone? Travelling solo might feel entirely out of your comfort zone, but the benefits of taking time to explore a new place (and yourself) on your own terms can be a serious game-changer for your mental well-being, confidence, and fulfillment. So buckle up, because we’re taking you on a journey through the good, bad, and best parts of flying solo!

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Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 66: How To Ditch Toxic Positivity and Feel for Real, with Psychotherapist Whitney Goodman

Unpopular opinion: It’s NOT always healthy to find the silver lining in everything. Some things just suck, and we don’t always need to look on the bright side, at the expense of *actually* processing hard feelings.

Our culture is obsessed with a “good vibes only,” and “everything happens for a reason” state of mind that makes us feel like we’re failing if we’re not happy 100% of the time. Trying to see the positive isn’t always positive, sometimes shit happens that doesn’t make us stronger, and we’re ready to break up with toxic positivity so we can fully experience our emotions AND our loved ones’ feelings. (Because nothing is worse than platitudes.)

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Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 65: How To Hack Your Memory And Clear Brain Fog

We all know that the years start coming and they don’t stop coming, but we’re starting to have trouble remembering them. Our memories are an essential part of who we are and this week we learned there’s A LOT that can impact our ability to remember the good old days (or just that person’s name we met five minutes ago, tbh).

If you’ve been feeling some brain fog lately you’re not alone — surprisingly, there’s a lot that goes into maintaining our memory, especially when a global health crisis cuts off the stimulation our minds need to stay sharp.

But we’re diving into hacking our brainwaves and training our minds so that we can actually remember all the things we need to do today. May the odds be ever in our favour!

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 58: Teach Me How To Be Alone But Not Lonely

Humans are social animals – we thrive off connection – and after two years of almost constant isolation and working from home, people are feeling lonelier than ever. But being alone and being lonely are two very different things, and we’re here to tell you that getting comfortable spending time on your own can be the ultimate game-changer for your health, happiness and relationships.

It’s all about reframing our idea of being alone. After all, personal time is a luxury in our busy lives, and making space to relax, reflect or get creative in solitude has amazing positive outcomes. Even if you thrive off social connection (we see you, extroverts!), finding fulfillment on your own is essential. So, this week we’re exploring how to combat loneliness and enjoy being alone!

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 54: How To Survive The Holidays with Your Mental Health Intact

Happy holidays friends! Today we’re throwing it back to an oldie but a goldie from 2020 because these tips are so relevant this holiday season… and TBH, who didn’t need a little breather this week!?

While the holidays can be super joyful for many, they can also come with a ton of stress, pressure, grief, and loneliness for others. So, today we’re diving into five expert-backed mindset hacks to make it through this week with your mental health intact.

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Lifestyle, Career Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 42: How To Stop Overthinking Everything

If you’re an overthinker like us, worrying about the future, dwelling on the past, and overanalyzing every single decision can be totally paralyzing in your day-to-day life. Overthinking can make decision-making impossible, and it can create tons of unnecessary stress that holds us back from living a life we truly want. And TBH, it’s usually all over nothing!

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Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 32: How to Drink Wine Like A Pro

Possibly the biggest sign that you’ve unlocked adulting status? You seriously know your way around wine. It’s always impressive when one person at the dinner table knows which wine to order with every dish, and the hottest vinos to put on your radar.

So, in this episode, we’re talking all things wine 101 with wine expert Lauren Power. We cover everything from how to host a wine tasting and the most popular go-to grapes, to the winemaking process, food pairings, and the proper temperature to serve your favourites! We also dive into an important chat about mastering our mindset around drinking, consuming with intent, and how to take a dry month if you want a break.

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Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 29: How to Get Fit And Motivated At home

It’s so hard to stay motivated to exercise in the colder months, and when you throw in lockdowns, working out just seems impossible. We’ve heard from a lot of you that are struggling to stay active right now, and we’re right there with you. So we called in the delightful and motivating fitness expert we all need, Cassie Day. She’s an athlete, coach, nutritionist, fitness personality and CEO of All Day Fit, a fitness community with online and in-person classes and personal training that takes a 360° approach to wellness.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 27: How To Feel Healthier in 8 (Totally Doable) Steps

How you doin’? Any guesses what our listeners voted as their #1 goal for 2021? Improving their health—both physical and mental.

It’s been harder than ever to take control of our health in the past year (71% of you said the pandemic has negatively affected your health, while 62% are working to improve their mental health right now). So, today we’re diving into 8 legit doable ways to feel healthier, starting with the four pillars of good health: Sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and stress management.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 25: How to Crush Your 2021 Goals

The holidays can be super jolly and joyful for some, but they can also come with a ton of stress, pressure, grief, and loneliness for many. So, in this episode we’re diving into five expert-backed mindset hacks to survive the holidays.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 21: How to Cultivate Resilience and Master Your Mindset

It seems like pivot and resiliency are the hottest buzzwords of 2020. After all, change and adversity are the only constant in this life, and if this year has taught us anything, it’s that the more you focus on building a solid foundation within yourself, the more external chaos you can handle.

Shifting our mindsets, perception and reactions is far from easy, but that’s the key to healthily recovering from turmoil and trauma. So, we called in mindset and success coach Leisse Wilcox to teach us everything we need to know about how to cultivate mental resilience and turn whatever life throws at you into a beautiful story.

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Culture Cailyn and Gillian Culture Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 20: How to Navigate the News Right Now

With COVID-19 numbers surging around the world, the upcoming US election, and the onslaught of disasters that 2020 has served up, there is more news being consumed than ever before, and it can be seriously overwhelming trying to stay up to date with accurate info, without going crazy. So we did our homework on how you can stay informed without sacrificing your sanity.

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Wellness, Relationships Cailyn and Gillian Wellness, Relationships Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 18: How To Cope With Grief and Loss

This week’s topic is a tough one, but it’s something that we’ll all have to navigate at some point in our lives despite most of us feeling totally unequipped to cope with it. We’re talking about grief, with the help of mental health professionals Eleanor Haley and Litsa Williams, the founders of popular website and podcast What’s Your Grief.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 12: How To Stress Less and Manage Your Mental Health

 If you’re feeling super overwhelmed right now, please know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and whatever you’re feeling right now, is 100% okay to feel. We’ve been feeling pretty damn stressed and a little moodier than usual if we’re being honest, so we’re really glad we are able to share this conversation. Because the more we open about how we’re feeling, the easier it is for others to share and normalize their experiences, too.

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