Episode 110: How To Be More Compassionate Towards Yourself And Others
We humans are social creatures, we thrive on community and connection. But in these times of social media comparison and cancel culture, it can feel like we’ve lost sight of something vital — compassion. With mean girls dominating the news cycle, we thought this would be the perfect time to get deep and teach ourselves a lesson on the importance of compassion, how to give it to others and most importantly, how to give it to ourselves.
At its core, compassion is about putting aside judgment and making an effort to understand the struggles within ourselves and others. It helps us create meaningful connections, build healthy relationships, and develop emotional intelligence, which coincidentally all make for a well-adjusted adult! We’re all a lot more similar than we are different so let’s get positive (but not in a toxic way we promise).
Tune in as we chat about:
What compassion actually means
The difference between pity, sympathy, empathy and compassion
The importance of finding similarities with others
How assuming positive intent can shift your mindset
Why we should validate someone before trying to find solutions
How to hold space for someone's pain
Using the "RAIN" method to cultivate self-compassion
Gill's favourite Loving-Kindness mediation for next-level compassion
We hope this episode helps you have more compassion for the people in your life, but most importantly, for yourself.