Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 64: How To Own Your Orgasms And Pleasure

Friends, this week’s episode is a juicyyy one! We sat down with sex coach and educator Portia Brown to chat all things orgasms and how to take control of your own pleasure. Because there’s an embarrassing amount we don’t know about our own sexual physiology, and we’re SO ready to take self-care to the next level by creating a pleasure practice that helps us tune into our body and mind.

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Relationships, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Relationships, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 52: How To Spice Up Your Sex Life

Let’s talk about sex, baby! If you, like us, believe the sex-ed we got in school was a total joke… this one’s for you. We’re talking communication, sexting, pleasure, technique, toys, kinks, and yes… butt stuff.

We grew up in a time when there was so much shame surrounding sex, especially around female pleasure, and that still affects the way a lot of us navigate our own sexuality. But the best way to counter that, is to normalize and talk about it. Because one of the key cornerstones of a solid relationship is great sex, and for those who aren’t in relationships, a huge part of figuring out who you are and what you like is exploring sex.

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