Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 251: How To Know When It’s Time To Let Go, & Why Trying Less Can Lead To Success | I’m The Problem, It’s Me

Welcome back to another episode of “I’m the problem, it’s me,” where I call bullshit on myself for the things I’m getting wrong, so we can all learn from the struggle. Today’s adulting confession: I’m terrible at letting things go. I never know when to walk away and call it quits, and I try to make things work long past the point of productivity or hope

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Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 249: The Quickie: Hack Your Productivity & Time Management Using ‘Parkinson’s Law’

Do you ever feel like you're less productive when you’re less busy? It’s like the more time you have, the longer it takes to get anything done, and the busier you are, the more you get done. You’re not alone my friends — that’s actually thanks to a phenomenon called Parkinson’s Law. 

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