Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 116: How to I Balance It All And Prioritize — Without The Overwhelm And Guilt?

In the words of Sharpay Evans “I want it all!” and we’re conditioned to believe that we should have it all — a career, a family, good health, a social life, nice things, without having to give anything up. But let’s be honest, our time and energy are finite resources and everything in life comes with tradeoffs. So the real key to “balance” is figuring out what you want to prioritize right now, and what can take the backseat.

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Wellness, Career Cailyn and Gillian Wellness, Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 31: How To Crush Your To-Do List and Organize Your Life

If you, like us, have been struggling to cross literally ANYTHING off of your never-ending to-do lists, we are here to help!

In this week’s quickie, we’re giving you tips on how we structure our days (or at least try to), three of the top to-do list methods that pros swear by, and the tools you can use to help you crush all of your goals and leave you worry-free at the end of the day. It all comes down to prioritization.

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