Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 66: How To Ditch Toxic Positivity and Feel for Real, with Psychotherapist Whitney Goodman

Unpopular opinion: It’s NOT always healthy to find the silver lining in everything. Some things just suck, and we don’t always need to look on the bright side, at the expense of *actually* processing hard feelings.

Our culture is obsessed with a “good vibes only,” and “everything happens for a reason” state of mind that makes us feel like we’re failing if we’re not happy 100% of the time. Trying to see the positive isn’t always positive, sometimes shit happens that doesn’t make us stronger, and we’re ready to break up with toxic positivity so we can fully experience our emotions AND our loved ones’ feelings. (Because nothing is worse than platitudes.)

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 55: How To Manifest What You Want This Year

This year, instead of setting goals for ourselves and then promptly forgetting them, we’re focused on being intentional with our objectives and making sure we achieve them. Enter manifestation. If you’ve been anywhere near the internet lately you’ve probably heard the buzz around manifestation, and honestly the whole concept sounded too good to be true.

So, this week, we’re digging deeper to find out if any of the hype is real, or if TikTok has made us all lose our minds. Spoiler alert: manifestation works (but it takes a little more effort than just asking the universe to step in)!

This quickie is all about the science behind manifesting your dreams into reality, and how to incorporate intentions, visualization and affirmations into your daily life. There’s no magic or snake oil involved, we promise. So join us in starting 2022 off right with our official no-BS guide to using manifestation to master your mindset and get what you want.

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