Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 65: How To Hack Your Memory And Clear Brain Fog

We all know that the years start coming and they don’t stop coming, but we’re starting to have trouble remembering them. Our memories are an essential part of who we are and this week we learned there’s A LOT that can impact our ability to remember the good old days (or just that person’s name we met five minutes ago, tbh).

If you’ve been feeling some brain fog lately you’re not alone — surprisingly, there’s a lot that goes into maintaining our memory, especially when a global health crisis cuts off the stimulation our minds need to stay sharp.

But we’re diving into hacking our brainwaves and training our minds so that we can actually remember all the things we need to do today. May the odds be ever in our favour!

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 58: Teach Me How To Be Alone But Not Lonely

Humans are social animals – we thrive off connection – and after two years of almost constant isolation and working from home, people are feeling lonelier than ever. But being alone and being lonely are two very different things, and we’re here to tell you that getting comfortable spending time on your own can be the ultimate game-changer for your health, happiness and relationships.

It’s all about reframing our idea of being alone. After all, personal time is a luxury in our busy lives, and making space to relax, reflect or get creative in solitude has amazing positive outcomes. Even if you thrive off social connection (we see you, extroverts!), finding fulfillment on your own is essential. So, this week we’re exploring how to combat loneliness and enjoy being alone!

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 27: How To Feel Healthier in 8 (Totally Doable) Steps

How you doin’? Any guesses what our listeners voted as their #1 goal for 2021? Improving their health—both physical and mental.

It’s been harder than ever to take control of our health in the past year (71% of you said the pandemic has negatively affected your health, while 62% are working to improve their mental health right now). So, today we’re diving into 8 legit doable ways to feel healthier, starting with the four pillars of good health: Sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and stress management.

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