Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Career, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 253: Is Life Speeding You By? Slow Down Time Using Novelty (And The Case Against Routine)

Do you guys feel like time keeps passing by faster the older we get? When we’re kids, summer stretches endlessly, and in adulthood, it’s gone in the blink of an eye. Today we’re diving into the intersection of time, memories, novelty and neuroscience to figure out how we can slow down our perception of time and make more memories.

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Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 239: How To Overcome Fear, Embrace The Cringe & Become A Confident Public Speaker, with Judi Holler

Public speaking is one of the most common anxieties — surveys show up to 75% of people fear public speaking. And that’s not the only thing fear holds us back from. Fear of judgment, failure, change, coming off as “cringe”… our fear of fear keeps us from reaching our full potential. But as today’s guest Judi Holler explains, our goal shouldn’t be to be fearless. The goal is to be courageous. To be scared, and do it anyway.

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Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 112: Asking For A Friend: How Do I Navigate Friendships When We’re All In Different Life Stages?

As we go through our 20s and 30s, we all start adulting in different ways and at different rates, and maintaining our ride-or-die connections can start to feel complicated. Navigating these different life stages means that our friendships sometimes end up at the bottom of the list, or we start growing in different directions and losing common ground. But every friendship goes through different seasons, and change doesn’t need to be a bad thing!

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