Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 208: How To Build Healthy Routines, Hack Productivity & Achieve Balance, with Arrae founder Siff Haider

A big focus in my life this past year has been improving my health and creating habits and routines that are better for me. But I still really struggle with creating structure and efficient routines around productivity. Thankfully, today’s guest Siff Haider is well-versed in both. As an entrepreneur in the wellness space, Siff has developed an impressive balance across her work life and health habits, and in today’s episode, she reveals the tips and strategies that she used to improve her health and build a wildly successful business.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 198: No Dumb Questions: Should I use toys in the bedroom? Why is my partner never in the mood? What are the best sex positions? Tips for threesomes?

Welcome to our first episode of “No Dumb Questions,” where we answer all of your burning questions. In honour of Valentine's Day, we’re tackling the most exciting questions of all: Sex. Because whether you’re dating, in a relationship, or very much single, we’re probably all thinking about it. (Mom stop listening!)

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Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 165: Teach Me How To Boost My Brain Health, Part 1: Nutrition, Supplements & Movement, with Dr. Kristen Willeumier

We’re in an era of health hacks, from tracking our cycles, sleep, and steps, to tailored fitness regimens. But what about our brain health? Cognitive decline may not be top-of-mind for the under-50 crowd, but our paying attention to our brain health can change our lives right now, and in the long-term.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian Wellness, Lifestyle Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 152: How To Beat Burnout and Hustle Culture, and Prioritize Health, with Chloe Wilde

Burnout continues to skyrocket as we take on side hustles and chase the elusive “more” – but the good news is there are real, actionable ways to beat it and prevent it from coming back! But we’re no experts, so we called in Chloe Wilde to teach us how she overcame burnout and built a business on balance and wellness.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 129: Teach Me How To Get The Fuck To Sleep, with Sleep Expert Alanna McGinn

The more adulting we do, the more we realize how essential getting good quality sleep is to literally every aspect of our lives. From our physical health to our mood and mindset, sleep is the key to solving a whole lot of our problems. We’re sick of burning the candle at both ends and tossing and turning each night, and we’re not alone: the past few decades have seen a downward trend in the quality and quantity of sleep that people are getting. So… let’s talk about sleep, baby!

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 62: How To Have More Energy

Let’s face it… life is exhausting, but that doesn’t stop the sun from rising every morning so it’s time we figured out how to hack the system and stay energized!

This week’s quickie is all about fighting fatigue and finding more energy so we can get sh*t done. So get caffeinated because we’re covering everything from the basics we’ve been known to ignore (has anyone ever slept for 8 hours?) to new tricks backed by the pros (hot tip: have more sex).

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Relationships Cailyn and Gillian Relationships Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 61: We Turned Two! Our Biggest Life Lessons Learned

If you’re fresh out of a breakup and are feeling alllll of the feels, this one's for you. Navigating a breakup is never easy, but you’re far from alone. A study last year showed 25% of Canadians between the ages of 18-24 split up during the pandemic, and 5 million Canadians have experienced a recent breakup.

Experts say it can take 6-8 weeks to get over the initial intensity of heartbreak, but with a lack of access during lockdowns to the normal stuff we do to get over our exes, and an ongoing mental health crisis, the “getting over it” part has been hard lately. That leaves us with the inner work we have to do: Finding out who we are again, rewriting our narratives, filling that void, and loving ourselves first.

We called in breakup expert Lindsey Ellison to help us fall in love with our life again and manifest the dream partner that we deserve. Because when you can feel happy on your own, you're raising the bar for the next partner you bring into your life.

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Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 29: How to Get Fit And Motivated At home

It’s so hard to stay motivated to exercise in the colder months, and when you throw in lockdowns, working out just seems impossible. We’ve heard from a lot of you that are struggling to stay active right now, and we’re right there with you. So we called in the delightful and motivating fitness expert we all need, Cassie Day. She’s an athlete, coach, nutritionist, fitness personality and CEO of All Day Fit, a fitness community with online and in-person classes and personal training that takes a 360° approach to wellness.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 27: How To Feel Healthier in 8 (Totally Doable) Steps

How you doin’? Any guesses what our listeners voted as their #1 goal for 2021? Improving their health—both physical and mental.

It’s been harder than ever to take control of our health in the past year (71% of you said the pandemic has negatively affected your health, while 62% are working to improve their mental health right now). So, today we’re diving into 8 legit doable ways to feel healthier, starting with the four pillars of good health: Sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and stress management.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 09: How To Crush Your Workout Routine (at home!)

If you’re getting as restless as we are while we’re all stuck at home, and you’re fresh out of banana bread ingredients, it might be time to tackle that workout regimen you’ve been meaning to start. It’s hard to find motivation while we’re all staying inside, but right now is actually the best time to begin your fitness journey!

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