Career Cailyn and Gillian Career Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 239: How To Overcome Fear, Embrace The Cringe & Become A Confident Public Speaker, with Judi Holler

Public speaking is one of the most common anxieties — surveys show up to 75% of people fear public speaking. And that’s not the only thing fear holds us back from. Fear of judgment, failure, change, coming off as “cringe”… our fear of fear keeps us from reaching our full potential. But as today’s guest Judi Holler explains, our goal shouldn’t be to be fearless. The goal is to be courageous. To be scared, and do it anyway.

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Wellness Cailyn and Gillian Wellness Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 80: How To Find Yourself After A Big Life Change

It’s true what they say: Change is the only constant. From parenthood to career pivots, big moves to breakups, big changes are unavoidable, but they can leave us feeling lost and totally destabilized.

So in this week’s quickie we’re diving into life’s big transitions, and how to find ourselves (maybe even a more evolved version of ourselves) on the other side. Every change is a chance to recalibrate, so let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and figure out how to come back to yourself when you’re finally through the turbulence.

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